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Troubleshooting Identity

Issue: Identity pod crashloops/continually restarts​

If the Identity pod crash loops, or the pod continually restarts, it is likely that there is an issue with the connection to Keycloak.

  1. Find the name of the Identity pod by running:

    kubectl get pods

    The output should look similar to:

    NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    c8-local-identity-6fd96d59c4-8lzxv 1/1 Running 2 (24s ago) 85s
    c8-local-keycloak-0 1/1 Running 0 30m
    c8-local-operate-69b765f7bb-hjcts 1/1 Running 0 30m
    c8-local-postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 30m
    c8-local-zeebe-0 1/1 Running 0 30m
    c8-local-zeebe-gateway-678f4c7bfb-w8ght 1/1 Running 0 30m
    elasticsearch-master-0 1/1 Running 0 30m
  2. Using the pod name from the output above, view the logs:

    kubectl logs <POD_NAME>
  3. Observe the most recent logs for an error message or stacktrace, for example:

    2022-07-04 15:52:04.250 ERROR 1 --- [main] i.c.i.i.k.config.KeycloakConfiguration   : Failure #1. Unable to connect to Keycloak.
    2022-07-04 15:52:09.252 WARN 1 --- [main] i.c.i.i.k.config.KeycloakConfiguration : Retrying...

Next steps​

If after going through the steps in the sections above you are not able to resolve the problem, please take a look at the common problems related to the Identity component.