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Update 1.3 to 8.0


The following sections explain which adjustments must be made to migrate from Camunda Cloud 1.3.x to 8.0.0 for each component of the system.



No changes are required to update Zeebe 1.3 to 8.0.

The following new configuration parameters where introduced which can be enabled if needed.

Message compression​

To configure compression algorithm for all message sent between the brokers and between the broker and the gateway. Available options are NONE, GZIP and SNAPPY.

This feature is useful when the network latency between the brokers is very high (for example when the brokers are deployed in different data centers). When latency is high, the network bandwidth is severely reduced. Hence enabling compression helps to improve the throughput.

Note: When there is no latency enabling this may have a performance impact.

  • application.yaml
    • Broker:
    • Gateway: zeebe.gateway.cluster.messageCompression
  • Environment variable:

Experimental: Consistency Checks​

To configure if the basic operations on RocksDB, such as inserting or deleting key-value pairs, should check preconditions, for example that a key does not already exist when inserting.

  • application.yaml
    • Broker:
  • Environment variable:

To configure if inserting or updating key-value pairs on RocksDB should check that foreign keys exist.

  • application.yaml
    • Broker:
  • Environment variable:


With Camunda Platform 8 the IAM component was replaced with the new Identity project. There is no update path from IAM to Identity, which means all configured roles and permissions have to be recreated after the update. Please refer to the Operate documentation how to connect Operate with Identity.

With version 8.0, Operate supports configuring secure connections to the Zeebe gateway, see the connection configuration section in the Operate documentation.

With version 8.0, Operate offers a new REST API to access process data.


With Camunda Platform 8 the IAM component was replaced with the new Identity project. There is no update path from IAM to Identity, which means all configured roles and permissions have to be recreated after the update. Please refer to the Tasklist documentation how to connect Tasklist with Identity.

With version 8.0, Tasklist supports configuring secure connections to the Zeebe gateway, see the connection configuration section in the Tasklist documentation.


With Camunda Platform 8 the IAM component was replaced with the new Identity project. Please refer to the Identity documentation to learn how to install and configure it.



Zeebe 8.0 adds the possibility to evaluate decisions, therefore the new deployment command was introduced to better support DMN files during deployment. The old deployment command is deprecated and we recommend to migrate your application code to use the new deployment function.

The Zeebe Java client offers the new deploy command using the newDeployResourceCommand() method, refer to the JavaDocs for more information.


The command line tool zbctl exposes the new command using the deploy resource sub-command.

zbctl deploy resource <resourcePath>...