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Tasklist is a Spring Boot application. This means all provided ways to configure a Spring Boot application can be applied.

By default, the configuration for Tasklist is stored in a YAML file application.yml. All Tasklist-related settings are prefixed with camunda.tasklist. The following components are configurable:


Tasklist supports customizing the context-path using the default Spring configuration.

Example for application.yml: server.servlet.context-path: /tasklist

Example for environment variable: SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH=/tasklist

Default context-path is /.


Tasklist stores and reads data in/from Elasticsearch.

Settings to connect​

Tasklist supports basic authentication for Elasticsearch. Set the appropriate username/password combination in the configuration to use it.

Settings to connect to a secured Elasticsearch instance​

To connect to a secured (https) Elasticsearch instance you need normally only set the URL protocol part to https instead of http. A secured Elasticsearch instance needs also username and password. The other SSL settings should only be used in case of connection problems, for example disable host verification.


You may need to import the certificate into JVM runtime.

NameDescriptionDefault value
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.indexPrefixPrefix for index namestasklist
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.clusterNameClustername of Elasticsearchelasticsearch
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.urlURL of Elasticsearch REST APIhttp://localhost:9200
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.usernameUsername to access Elasticsearch REST API-
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.passwordPassword to access Elasticsearch REST API-
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.ssl.certificatePathPath to certificate used by Elasticsearch-
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.ssl.selfSignedCertificate was self signedfalse
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.ssl.verifyHostnameShould the hostname be validatedfalse

Settings for shards and replicas​

Tasklist creates the template with index settings named tasklist-<version>_template that Elasticsearch uses for all Tasklist indices. These settings can be changed.

The following configuration parameters define the settings:

NameDescriptionDefault value
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.numberOfShardsHow many shards Elasticsearch uses for all Tasklist indices.1
camunda.tasklist.elasticsearch.numberOfReplicasHow many replicas Elasticsearch uses for all Tasklist indices.0

These values are applied only on first startup of Tasklist or during version upgrade. After the Tasklist ELS schema is created, settings may be adjusted directly in the ELS template, and the new settings are applied to indices created after adjustment.

A snippet from application.yml​

# Cluster name
clusterName: elasticsearch
# Url
url: https://localhost:9200
selfSigned: true

Zeebe broker connection​

Tasklist needs a connection to Zeebe broker to start the import.

Settings to connect​

NameDescriptionDefault value
camunda.tasklist.zeebe.gatewayAddressGateway address that points to Zeebe as hostname and port.localhost:26500
camunda.tasklist.zeebe.secureConnection should be secure via Transport Layer Security (TLS).false
camunda.tasklist.zeebe.certificatePathPath to certificate used by Zeebe. This is necessary when the certificate isn't registered in the operating system.-

Additionally, visit Zeebe Secure Client Communication for more details.

A snippet from application.yml​

# Gateway host and port
gatewayAddress: localhost:26500


Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter​

Tasklist imports data from Elasticsearch indices created and filled in by Zeebe Elasticsearch Exporter.

Therefore, settings for this Elasticsearch connection must be defined and correspond to the settings on the Zeebe side.

Settings to connect and import​

See also settings to connect to a secured Elasticsearch instance.

NameDescriptionDefault value
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.clusterNameCluster name of Elasticsearchelasticsearch
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.urlURL of Elasticsearch REST APIhttp://localhost:9200
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.prefixIndex prefix as configured in Zeebe Elasticsearch exporterzeebe-record
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.usernameUsername to access Elasticsearch REST API-
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.passwordPassword to access Elasticsearch REST API-
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.ssl.certificatePathPath to certificate used by Elasticsearch-
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.ssl.selfSignedCertificate was self signedfalse
camunda.tasklist.zeebeElasticsearch.ssl.verifyHostnameShould the hostname be validatedfalse

A snippet from application.yml​

# Cluster name
clusterName: elasticsearch
# Url
url: https://localhost:9200
# Index prefix, configured in Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter
prefix: zeebe-record

Monitoring and health probes​

Tasklist includes the Spring Boot Actuator inside, which provides the number of monitoring possibilities (e.g. health check (http://localhost:8080/actuator/health) and metrics (http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus) endpoints).

Tasklist uses the following Actuator configuration by default:

# disable default health indicators:
# false
# enable health check, metrics and loggers endpoints
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: health,prometheus,loggers
# enable Kubernetes health groups:
# true

With this configuration, the following endpoints are available for use out of the box:

<server>:8080/actuator/prometheus Prometheus metrics

<server>:8080/actuator/health/liveness Liveness probe

<server>:8080/actuator/health/readiness Readiness probe

Example snippets to use Tasklist probes in Kubernetes​

For details to set Kubernetes probes parameters, see Kubernetes configure probes.

Readiness probe as yaml config​

path: /actuator/health/readiness
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 30

Liveness probe as yaml config​

path: /actuator/health/liveness
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 30


Tasklist uses Log4j2 framework for logging. In the distribution archive and inside a Docker image config/log4j2.xml, logging configuration files are included and can be further adjusted to your needs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN" monitorInterval="30">
<Property name="LOG_PATTERN">%clr{%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}}{faint} %clr{%5p} %clr{${sys:PID}}{magenta} %clr{---}{faint} %clr{[%15.15t]}{faint} %clr{%-40.40c{1.}}{cyan} %clr{:}{faint} %m%n%xwEx</Property>
<Property name="log.stackdriver.serviceName">${env:TASKLIST_LOG_STACKDRIVER_SERVICENAME:-tasklist}</Property>
<Property name="log.stackdriver.serviceVersion">${env:TASKLIST_LOG_STACKDRIVER_SERVICEVERSION:-}</Property>
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT" follow="true">
<PatternLayout pattern="${LOG_PATTERN}"/>
<Console name="Stackdriver" target="SYSTEM_OUT" follow="true">
<StackdriverLayout serviceName="${log.stackdriver.serviceName}"
serviceVersion="${log.stackdriver.serviceVersion}" />
<Logger name="io.camunda.tasklist" level="info" />
<Root level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="${env:TASKLIST_LOG_APPENDER:-Console}"/>

By default, Console Appender is used.

JSON logging configuration​

You can choose to output logs in JSON format (Stackdriver compatible). To enable it, define the environment variable TASKLIST_LOG_APPENDER like the following:


Change logging level at runtime​

Tasklist supports the default scheme for changing logging levels as provided by Spring Boot.

The log level for Tasklist can be changed by following the Setting a Log Level section.

Set all Tasklist loggers to DEBUG​

curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/loggers/io.camunda.tasklist' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"configuredLevel":"debug"}'

An example of application.yml file​

The following snippet represents the default Tasklist configuration, which is shipped with the distribution. It can be found inside the config folder (config/application.yml) and can be used to adjust Tasklist to your needs.

# Tasklist configuration file

# Set Tasklist username and password.
# If user with <username> does not exists it will be created.
# Default: demo/demo

# ELS instance to store Tasklist data
# Cluster name
clusterName: elasticsearch
# url
url: http://localhost:9200
# Zeebe instance
# Gateway address
gatewayAddress: localhost:26500
# ELS instance to export Zeebe data to
# Cluster name
clusterName: elasticsearch
# url
url: http://localhost:9200
# Index prefix, configured in Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter
prefix: zeebe-record