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Usage metrics

There are three main usage metrics that have an impact on Camunda Platform 8 pricing. It is important to understand these definitions, their impact on billing, and how to retrieve them.

Definition of metrics​

Root process instance​

The number of root process instance executions started. This is also known as process instances (PI). A root process instance has no parent process instance, i.e. it is a top-level execution.

Decision instance​

The number of evaluated decision instances (DI). A decision instance is a DMN decision table or a DMN literal expression. In a Decision Requirements Diagram (DRD) each evaluated decision table or expression is counted separately.

Task user​

The number of task users (TU) that have served as assignees.

Retrieve metrics in SaaS​

On Camunda Platform 8 SaaS an Owner or Admin of an organization can retrieve the information from the Billing page.

You can access the Billing page by selecting Organization Management in the Camunda Platform Console navigation bar.

Retrieve metrics on Self-Managed​

Important note for Enterprise users

Some Enterprise agreements require the following indices from Elasticsearch for at least 18 months:

For Operate and Tasklist, the metrics are stored in the operate-metric-1.0.0_ and tasklist-metric-1.0.0_ indices respectively.

On Camunda Platform 8 Self-Managed, you can get the usage metrics in Operate and Tasklist.

For root process instances and decision instances, follow the steps provided in the Operate guide.

For task users, follow the steps provided in the Tasklist guide.


If you are not running Tasklist or Operate, there is currently no way to retrieve usage metrics until future releases. Regardless, the metrics still need to be factored into any enterprise agreement and count towards any task user pricing.