- kryo (Version: 4.0.2, License: BSD-3-Clause)
- minlog (Version: 1.3.1, License: BSD-3-Clause)
- reflectasm (Version: 1.11.3, License: BSD-3-Clause)
- jackson-annotations (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-core (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-databind (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-dataformat-cbor (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-dataformat-smile (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-dataformat-yaml (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-datatype-jdk8 (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-datatype-jsr310 (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- jackson-module-parameter-names (Version: 2.11.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- annotations (Version:, License: Apache-2.0)
- proto-google-common-protos (Version: 2.0.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- jsr305 (Version: 3.0.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- gson (Version: 2.8.6, License: Apache-2.0)
- error_prone_annotations (Version: 2.4.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- failureaccess (Version: 1.0.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- guava (Version: 30.0-jre, License: Apache-2.0)
- listenablefuture (Version: 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava, License: Apache-2.0)
- j2objc-annotations (Version: 1.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- protobuf-java (Version: 3.14.0, License: BSD-3-Clause)
- concurrency-limits-core (Version: 0.3.6, License: Apache-2.0)
- config (Version: 1.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- commons-codec (Version: 1.15, License: Apache-2.0)
- commons-logging (Version: 1.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-api (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-context (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-core (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-netty (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-protobuf-lite (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-protobuf (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- grpc-stub (Version: 1.34.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- micrometer-core (Version: 1.6.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- micrometer-registry-prometheus (Version: 1.6.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-buffer (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-codec-http2 (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-codec-http (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-codec-socks (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-codec (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-common (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-handler-proxy (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-handler (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-resolver (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-tcnative-boringssl-static (Version: 2.0.35.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-transport-native-epoll (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-transport-native-unix-common (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- netty-transport (Version: 4.1.55.Final, License: Apache-2.0)
- perfmark-api (Version: 0.19.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- simpleclient (Version: 0.9.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- simpleclient_common (Version: 0.9.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- simpleclient_hotspot (Version: 0.9.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- atomix-cluster (Version: 0.26.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- atomix-storage (Version: 0.26.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- atomix-utils (Version: 0.26.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- atomix (Version: 0.26.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- jakarta.annotation-api (Version: 1.3.5, License: EPL-2.0)
- java-grpc-prometheus (Version: 0.3.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- agrona (Version: 1.8.0, License: The Apache-2.0)
- commons-lang3 (Version: 3.11, License: Apache-2.0)
- commons-math3 (Version: 3.6.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- httpasyncclient (Version: 4.1.4, License: Apache-2.0)
- httpclient (Version: 4.5.13, License: Apache-2.0)
- httpcore-nio (Version: 4.4.14, License: Apache-2.0)
- httpcore (Version: 4.4.14, License: Apache-2.0)
- log4j-api (Version: 2.14.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- log4j-core (Version: 2.14.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- log4j-slf4j-impl (Version: 2.14.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- tomcat-embed-core (Version: 9.0.41, License: Apache-2.0)
- tomcat-embed-websocket (Version: 9.0.41, License: Apache-2.0)
- camunda-xml-model (Version: 7.14.0, License: Apache-2.0)
- feel-engine (Version: 1.12.4, License: Apache-2.0)
- checker-qual (Version: 3.5.0, License: MIT)
- animal-sniffer-annotations (Version: 1.19, License: MIT)
- elasticsearch-rest-client (Version: 6.8.13, License: Apache-2.0)
- elasticsearch-core (Version: 6.8.13, License: Apache-2.0)
- elasticsearch-x-content (Version: 6.8.13, License: Apache-2.0)
- jakarta.el (Version: 3.0.3, License: EPL-2.0)
- LatencyUtils (Version: 2.0.3, License: Public Domain, per Creative Commons CC0)
- jackson-dataformat-msgpack (Version: 0.8.21, License: Apache-2.0)
- msgpack-core (Version: 0.8.21, License: Apache-2.0)
- objenesis (Version: 3.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- asm (Version: 9.0, License: BSD-3-Clause)
- rocksdbjni (Version: 6.13.3, License: Apache-2.0)
- scala-parser-combinators_2.13 (Version: 1.1.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- scala-library (Version: 2.13.4, License: Apache-2.0)
- jul-to-slf4j (Version: 1.7.30, License: MIT)
- slf4j-api (Version: 1.7.30, License: MIT)
- spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-actuator (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-autoconfigure (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-starter-json (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-starter-logging (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-starter-tomcat (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-starter-web (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot-starter (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-boot (Version: 2.4.1, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-aop (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-beans (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-context (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-core (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-expression (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-jcl (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-web (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- spring-webmvc (Version: 5.3.2, License: Apache-2.0)
- snakeyaml (Version: 1.27, License: Apache-2.0)
- sbe-tool (Version: 1.20.2, License: The Apache-2.0)