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Export dashboard definitions

This API allows users to export dashboard definitions which can later be imported into another Optimize system. Note that exporting a dashboard also exports all reports contained within the dashboard. The dashboards to be exported may be within a Collection or private entities, the API has access to both.

The obtained list of entity exports can be imported into other Optimize systems either using the dedicated import API or via UI.

Method & HTTP target resource​

POST /api/public/export/dashboard/definition/json

Request headers​

The following request headers have to be provided with every request:


Query parameters​

No query parameters available.

Request body​

The request body should contain a JSON array of dashboard IDs to be exported.


The response contains a list of exported dashboard definitions as well as all report definitions contained within the dashboards.

Response codes​

Possible HTTP response status codes:

204Request successful.
401Secret incorrect or missing in HTTP Header. See Authorization on how to authenticate.
404At least one of the given dashboard IDs does not exist.
500Some error occurred while processing the request, best check the Optimize log.


Export two dashboards​

Assuming you want to export the two dashboards with IDs 123 and 456 and have configured the accessToken mySecret, this is what it would look like:

POST /api/public/export/dashboard/definition/json

Request header​

Authorization: Bearer mySecret

Request body​

[ "123", "456" ]


Status 200.

Response content​

The response contains the two exported dashboard definitions as well as all three process reports contained within the two dashboards.

"id": "61ae2232-51e1-4c35-b72c-c7152ba264f9",
"exportEntityType": "single_process_report",
"name": "Number: Process instance duration",
"sourceIndexVersion": 8,
"collectionId": null,
"data": {...}
"id": "625c2411-b95f-4442-936b-1976b9511d4a",
"exportEntityType": "single_process_report",
"name": "Heatmap: Flownode count",
"sourceIndexVersion": 8,
"collectionId": null,
"data": {...}
"id": "94a7252e-d5c3-45ea-9906-75271cc0cac2",
"exportEntityType": "single_process_report",
"name": "Data Table: User task count",
"sourceIndexVersion": 8,
"collectionId": null,
"data": {...}
"id": "123",
"exportEntityType": "dashboard",
"name": "Dashboard 1",
"sourceIndexVersion": 5,
"reports": [
"id": "61ae2232-51e1-4c35-b72c-c7152ba264f9",
"id": "625c2411-b95f-4442-936b-1976b9511d4a",
"availableFilters": [...],
"collectionId": null
"id": "456",
"exportEntityType": "dashboard",
"name": "Dashboard 2",
"sourceIndexVersion": 5,
"reports": [
"id": "94a7252e-d5c3-45ea-9906-75271cc0cac2",
"availableFilters": [...],
"collectionId": null