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Update 8.0 to 8.1


The following sections explain which adjustments must be made to migrate from Camunda 8.0.x to 8.1.0 for each component of the system.




A critical issue was found in the Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter, resulting in records not getting exported after performing a process instance modification. This issue affects only Zeebe version 8.1.1. When updating, it is therefore recommended you skip version 8.1.1 and update directly to 8.1.2.

Refer to the release notes for more details.

No changes are required to update Zeebe 8.0 to 8.1. However, there are deprecated properties you should be aware of.


Even if these parameters are deprecated, you can still use them because of the backward compatibility of the Zeebe versioning system.

Deprecated properties:

  • Zeebe Gateway's property contactPoint
    • Remove the usage of zeebe.gateway.cluster.contactPoint property or the ZEEBE_GATEWAY_CLUSTER_CONTACTPOINT environment variable.
    • Use the zeebe.gateway.cluster.initialContactPoints property or the ZEEBE_GATEWAY_CLUSTER_INITIALCONTACTPOINTS environment variable.

You can set the list of broker addresses here to make the start process of the Zeebe gateway more resilient. Refer to the Zeebe gateway's configuration guide for more details.



A critical issue was found on Operate data importer which may lead to incidents not being imported to Operate. This issue is affecting only Operate installations which where updated from 8.0, and not new installations of Operate. When updating, it is recommended that you skip versions 8.1.0 and update directly to 8.1.1.

Please refer to the release notes for more.