Instance state filters
Running completed instances only filter​
By default, a report considers all process instances, regardless of whether they are still running. This behavior can be adjusted with the Running Instances Only and Completed Instances Only filters. Be aware that setting one of those filters (e.g. Running Instances Only) while the other one is already set (e.g. Completed Instances Only), will show a warning message since these two filters are incompatible with each other and will not show any data.
Canceled instances only filter​
If the Canceled Instances Only Filter is applied, the report will only consider those instances which were terminated before completion, either internally or externally. Be aware that adding this filter along with the Running Instances Only will show a warning message since these filters are incompatible and will not show any data.
Non canceled instances only filter​
As opposed to the Canceled Instances Only Filter, applying the Non Canceled Instances Only filter will make Optimize query only those instances which were not canceled during their execution. This means only active and completed instances are considered. Externally or internally terminated instances are not included in the report.
Suspended and non suspended instances only filter​
By default, a report considers all process instances, regardless of whether they are suspended or not. Adding this filter makes it possible to only evaluate process instances that are in the suspension state. Note that if you have enabled history cleanup, this might affect the accuracy of this filer given the suspension state is imported from historic data.