Management API
Besides the gRPC API for process instance execution, Zeebe Gateway also exposes an HTTP endpoint for cluster management operations. This API is not expected to be used by a normal user, but by a privileged user such as a cluster administrator. It is exposed via a different port and configured using configuration server.port
(or via environment variable SERVER_PORT). By default, this is set to 9600
The API is a custom endpoint available via Spring Boot Actuator. For additional configurations such as security, refer to the Spring Boot documentation.
The following operations are currently available:
Exporting API​
Exporting API is used:
- As a debugging tool.
- When taking a backup of Camunda 8 (see backup and restore).
Pause exporting​
To pause exporting on all partitions, send the following request to the gateway's management endpoint.
POST actuator/exporting/pause
When all partitions pause exporting, a successful response is received. If the request fails, some partitions may have paused exporting. Therefore, it is important to either retry until success or revert the partial pause by resuming exporting.
Resume exporting​
After exporting is paused, it must eventually be resumed. Otherwise, the cluster could become unavailable. To resume exporting, send the following request to the gateway's management endpoint:
POST actuator/exporting/resume
When all partitions have resumed exporting, a successful response is received. If the request fails, only some partitions may have resumed exporting. Therefore, it is important to retry until successful.