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Tasklist provides two ways to authenticate:

  1. User information stored in Elasticsearch
  2. Identity Authentication and Authorization

By default, user storage in Elasticsearch is enabled.

User in Elasticsearch​

In this mode, the user authenticates with a username and password stored in Elasticsearch.

The userId, password, and roles for one user may be set in application.yml:

userId: aUser
password: aPassword

On Tasklist startup, the user is created if they did not exist before.

By default, three users are created:

  • Role OWNER with userId/displayName/password demo/demo/demo.
  • Role USER with userId/displayName/password view/view/view.
  • Role OPERATOR with userId/displayName/password act/act/act/.

More users can be added directly to Elasticsearch, to the index tasklist-user-<version>_. The password must be encoded with a strong BCrypt hashing function.


Identity provides authentication and authorization functionality along with user management.

Enable Identity​

Identity can only be enabled by setting the Spring profile: identity-auth.

See the following example:

export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=identity-auth

Configure Identity​

Identity requires the following parameters:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample value
camunda.tasklist.identity.issuerUrlURL of issuer (Identity)http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform
camunda.tasklist.identity.issuerBackendUrlBackend URL of issuer (Identity)http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform
camunda.tasklist.identity.clientIdSimilar to a username for the applicationtasklist
camunda.tasklist.identity.clientSecretSimilar to a password for the applicationXALaRPl...s7dL7
camunda.tasklist.identity.audienceAudience for Tasklisttasklist-api issuer URIhttp://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform URI to get public keys for JWT validationhttp://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/certs

Use Identity JWT token to access Tasklist API​

Tasklist provides a GraphQL API under the endpoint /graphql. Clients can access this API using a JWT access token in an authorization header Authorization: Bearer <JWT>.


Be aware a JWT token is intended to be used for M2M communication and is therefore issued for the relevant application, not for the user.


  1. Add an application in Identity.
  2. Add permissions to an application for Tasklist API.
  3. Obtain a token to access the GraphQL API. You will need:
    • client_id and client_secret from Identity application you created.
    • URL of the authorization server will look like: http://<keycloak_host>:<port>/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token, where host and port reference Keycloak URL (e.g. localhost:18080).
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=<client id>' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<secret>' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

You will get something like the following:

"access_token": "eyJhbG...",
"expires_in": 300,
"refresh_expires_in": 0,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"not-before-policy": 0

Take the access_token value from the response object and store it as your token.

  1. Send the token as an authorization header in each request. In this case, request all tasks.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -d '{"query": "{tasks(query:{}){id name}}"}' http://localhost:8080/graphql