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Local Kubernetes Cluster

You can deploy Camunda 8 Self-Managed on Kubernetes local cluster for development purposes using KIND.

In this guide, we will use KIND. However, the concept is the same for any other tool like K3s, Minikube, or MicroK8s. The goal in this guide is to reduce the resources required by Camunda components so they can work on a personal machine.


Based on your system, install the CLI tools used in this guide if you don't already have them:

Create a local Kubernetes cluster​

If you have not already, create a local Kubernetes cluster with the following command:

kind create cluster --name camunda-platform-local

Next, switch to the new cluster context using the following command:

kubectl config use-context kind-camunda-platform-local


Now it's time to deploy Camunda 8 on the local Kubernetes cluster.

First, add the Camunda 8 Helm repository using the following command:

helm repo add camunda
helm repo update

Next, download the Camunda 8 values file for KIND: camunda-platform-core-kind-values.yaml.

Lastly, install Camunda 8 using the custom values file with the following command:

helm install camunda-platform camunda/camunda-platform \
-f camunda-platform-core-kind-values.yaml

This will deploy the same components, but with a set of parameters tailored to a local environment setup.

Depending on your machine hardware and internet connection speed, the services might take some time to get started since it will download the Docker images of all Camunda 8 components to your local KIND cluster.


If you don't need the cluster anymore, you can just delete the local KIND cluster:


This is a destructive action and will destroy all data of Camunda 8 in the local development cluster.

kind delete cluster --name camunda-platform-local

For more details about deployment options, visit the full Helm deployment guide.