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Backup and restore Optimize data


This API is subject to change.

Optimize stores its data over multiple indices in Elasticsearch. To ensure data integrity across indices, a backup of Optimize data consists of two Elasticsearch snapshots, each containing a different set of Optimize indices. Each backup is identified by a backup ID. For example, a backup with id backup1 consists of the following Elasticsearch snapshots:


Optimize provides an API to trigger a backup and retrieve information about a given backup's state. During backup creation Optimize can continue running. The backed up data can later be restored using the standard Elasticsearch snapshot restore API.


The following prerequisites must be set up before using the backup API:

  1. A snapshot repository of your choice must be registered with Elasticsearch.
  2. The repository name must be specified using the CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_BACKUP_REPOSITORY_NAME environment variable or by adding it to your Optimize configuration:
repositoryName: <repository name>

Create backup API​

Note that the backup API can be reached via the /actuator management port, which by default is 8092.
The following endpoint can be used to trigger the backup process:

POST actuator/backup
"backupId": <backupId>


200 OKBackup was successfully started. List of snapshot names is returned in response body (see example below). We recommend storing this information to be able to refer to it later when, for example, checking the backup state or restoring specific snapshots.
400 Bad RequestIndicates issues with the request, for example when the backupId contains invalid characters.
409 ConflictIndicates that a backup with the same backupId already exists.
500 Server ErrorAll other errors, e.g. issues communicating with Elasticsearch for snapshot creation. Refer to the returned error message for more details.

Example request​

curl --request POST 'http://localhost:8092/actuator/backup' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "backupId": "backup1" }'

Example response​

"scheduledSnapshots": [

Check backup state API​

Note that the backup API can be reached via the /actuator management port, which by default is 8092.
As the backup is created asynchronously, the current state of the backup can be checked by calling the following endpoint:

GET actuator/backup/{backupId}


200 OKBackup state could be determined and is returned in the response body (see example below)
404 Not FoundBackup with given id does not exist.
500 Server ErrorAll other errors, e.g. issues communicating with Elasticsearch for snapshot state retrieval. Refer to the returned error message for more details.

Example request​

curl ---request GET 'http://localhost:8092/actuator/backup/backup1'

Example response​

"State": "COMPLETED"

Possible states of the backup:

  • COMPLETED: The backup can be used for restoring data.
  • IN_PROGRESS: The backup process for this backup ID is still in progress.
  • FAILED: Something went wrong when creating this backup. To find out the exact problem, use the Elasticsearch get snapshot status API for each of the snapshots included in the given backup.
  • INCOMPATIBLE: The backup is incompatible with the current Elasticsearch version.
  • INCOMPLETE: The backup is incomplete (this could occur when the backup process was interrupted or individual snapshots were deleted).

Restore backup​

There is no Optimize API to perform the backup restore. Instead, the standard Elasticsearch restore snapshot API can be used. Note that the Optimize versions of your backup snapshots must match with the currently running version of Optimize. You can identify the version at which the backup was taken by the version tag included in respective snapshot names; for example, a snapshot with the namecamunda_optimize_backup1_3.9.0_part_1_of_2 was taken of Optimize version 3.9.0.


Optimize must NOT be running while a backup is being restored.

To restore an existing backup, all the snapshots this backup contains (as listed in the response of the create backup API request) must be restored using the Elasticsearch API.

To restore a given backup, the following steps must be performed:

  1. Stop Optimize.
  2. Ensure no Optimize indices are present in Elasticsearch (or the restore process will fail).
  3. Iterate over all Elasticsearch snapshots included in the desired backup and restore them using the Elasticsearch restore snapshot API.
  4. Start Optimize.

Example Elasticsearch request:

curl --request POST `http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/repository_name/camunda_optimize_backup1_3.9.0_part_1_of_2/_restore?wait_for_completion=true`