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Form Elements

A form configuration starts off as a composition of Form Elements to define the structure. The specific behaviors are then defined as properties on the individual elements via the properties panel.

Most form elements are intended to be bound to a Form Variable for the purpose of data entry, in which case we refer to them as Form Fields. Other elements may be used for layout purposes or to provide more specific functionality to the form which doesn't directly affect its state.

The following form elements are currently available within Camunda Forms:

Text SymbolTextDisplay static information
Text Field SymbolText FieldRead and edit textual data
Number Field SymbolNumber FieldRead and edit numeric data
Checkbox SymbolCheckboxRead and edit boolean data
Radio SymbolRadioSmall dataset single data selector
Select SymbolSelectLarge dataset single data selector
Checklist SymbolChecklistSmall dataset multi data selector
Taglist SymbolTaglistLarge dataset multi data selector
Button SymbolButtonTrigger form actions