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Configuring templates

Element templates are defined as JSON files. There are two ways to integrate them into Camunda Modeler:

  1. Local filesystem (Camunda 8 or newer): You can fetch the JSON templates from here. Store element templates as .json file in the resources/element-templates folder, relative to the modelers executable or relative to the modelers data directory (see below). Alternatively, they can be stored in a .camunda/element-templates directory that resides, relative to the currently opened diagram, anywhere in the diagrams path hierarchy.
  2. Retrieve from Cawemo (Camunda 7 only): use the Camunda Cloud Connect Plugin for Camunda 7 to integrate Camunda Modeler with Cawemo. The Modeler can then retrieve templates from catalog projects setup in Cawemo. Note that the Cloud Connect plugin will keep Cawemo and your local Camunda Modeler installation in sync (e.g., deleting a template in Cawemo will delete it locally as well). Locally the synced templates will be stored in the config.json file in your {USER_DATA_DIRECTORY}. You should not manually change the config.json unless you know what you're doing.

New templates will be recognized when reconnecting to Cawemo or on Camunda Modeler reload/restart.

Example Setup​

Add a .json file to the resources/element-templates sub-folder of your local {APP_DATA_DIRECTORY} or {USER_DATA_DIRECTORY} directory. You may have to create the resources and element-templates folders yourself.

For local template discovery, create a .camunda/element-templates folder relative in the directory or any parent directory of the diagrams you are editing.

Development Workflow​

When creating custom element templates, the modeler will give you detailed validation error messages.

Templates will be loaded on application load and reload. To reload the application with updated templates, open the developer tools F12 and press CtrlOrCmd+R. This will clear all unsaved diagrams !