Google Sheets Connector
The Google Sheets Connector is an outbound Connector that allows you to work with an existing or new spreadsheet on Google Drive from your BPMN process.
To start working with the Google Sheets Connector, a relevant OAuth token must be configured and stored as a secret in your cluster. The token must have permission to read/write and create a file from a desired Google Drive instance. Follow the steps from the appendix to find out more about creating an OAuth token and assigning relevant permissions.
Create a Google Sheets Connector task​
Currently, the Google Sheets Connector supports next operations:
- Add values to spreadsheet
- Create empty column or row
- Create row
- Create spreadsheet
- Create worksheet
- Delete column
- Delete worksheet
- Get row by index
- Get spreadsheet details
- Get worksheet data
To use a Google Sheets Connector in your process, either change the type of existing task by clicking on it and using the wrench-shaped Change type context menu icon or create a new Connector task by using the Append Connector context menu. Follow our guide on using Connectors to learn more.
Make your Google Sheets Connector executable​
To make the Google Sheets Connector executable, fill out the mandatory fields highlighted in red in the properties panel.
Add values to spreadsheet​
To add values to a spreadsheet, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Add values to spreadsheet.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, in which a new value will be added.
- (optional) In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet name to the desired worksheet, in which a new value will be added. Keep in mind that if not specified, a new value will be added to the first available worksheet in the desired spreadsheet.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Cell ID to the desired cell, in which a new value a new value will be added. Use format ColumnRow (for example A1).
- In the Operation details section, set the field Value to the desired value, which will be added in the desired cell.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Add values to Spreadsheet.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, there will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. In this case, it will always be null.
Create empty column or row​
To create empty column or row, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Create empty column or row.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, in which new columns/rows will be added.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet ID to the desired worksheet, in which new columns/rows will be added.
- In the Operation details section, select the Dimension, which will be added.
- (optional) In the Operation details section, set the both of the Start index and End index fields, in which new columns/rows will be added. Keep in mind that count starts from 0. It's possible to leave these fields empty. In this case, a new column/row will be added in the end of the desired worksheet.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Create empty column or row.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. In this case, it will always be null.
Create row​
To create a row, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Create row.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, in which a new row will be added.
- (optional) In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet name to the desired worksheet, in which a new row will be added. Keep in mind that if not specified, a new row will be added to the first available worksheet in the desired spreadsheet.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Row index to the desired row index, where a new row will be added. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Enter values to the desired values, which will be added. This property requires FEEL input.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Create row.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. In this case, it will always be null.
Create spreadsheet​
To create a spreadsheet, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Create spreadsheet.
- (optional) In the Operation details section, set the field Parent folder ID to the desired parent, inside which a new spreadsheet will be created. Keep in mind that if not specified, a new spreadsheet will be created in the Google Drive root folder of a user who owns the OAuth token.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet name to the desired spreadsheet name.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- ID of the newly created spreadsheet.spreadsheetUrl
- Human-readable URL of the newly created spreadsheet.
Create worksheet​
To create a worksheet, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Create worksheet.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, in which a new worksheet will be created.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet name to the desired worksheet name.
- (optional) In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet index to the desired index, in which a new worksheet will be created. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Create worksheet.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. In this case, it will always be null.
Delete column​
To delete a column, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Delete column.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, in which a column will be deleted.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet ID to the desired worksheet ID, in which a column will be deleted.
- In the Operation details section, select Index format of desired index of column to be deleted. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Operation details section, set the Column letter index to the desired column index.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Delete column.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. In this case, it will always be null.
Delete worksheet​
To delete a worksheet, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Delete worksheet.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, in which a worksheet will be deleted.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet ID to the desired worksheet ID, which will be deleted.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Delete worksheet.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. In this case, it will always be null.
Get row by index​
To get row by index, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Get row by index.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, from which a row will be retrieved.
- (optional) In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet name to the desired worksheet, from which a row will be retrieved. Keep in mind that if not specified, a row will be retrieved from the first available worksheet in the desired spreadsheet.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Row index to the desired row index. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Get row by index.status
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. If row is empty, the response is null, else array.
Get spreadsheet details​
To get spreadsheet details, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Get spreadsheet details.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, which details will be returned.
Operation response​
The response contains spreadsheet properties. For details, read the official Google documentation.
Get worksheet data​
To get worksheet data, take the following steps:
- Set the required credentials in the Authentication section. See the relevant appendix entry to find out more.
- In the Select operation section, select Get worksheet data.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Spreadsheet ID to the desired spreadsheet, from which data will be retrieved.
- In the Operation details section, set the field Worksheet name to the desired worksheet, from which data will be retrieved.
Operation response​
The following fields are available in the response variable:
- The action performed. In this case, it will always be Get worksheet datastatus
- The status of the operation. If successful, it will always be "OK". Otherwise, it will be an error message.response
- The response of the operation. If the worksheet is empty, the response is null, else array of rows (also array).
Appendix & FAQ​
How can I authenticate my Connector?​
The Google Sheets Connector currently supports two methods for authentication and authorization: based on short-lived JWT bearer token, and based on refresh token.
Google supports multiple ways to obtain both. Refer to the official Google OAuth documentation to get up-to-date instructions or see the examples below.
You also enable Google Sheets API and Google Drive API for every client intended to use. You can do this from the Google Cloud API Library.
Example 1: Obtaining JWT bearer token with a service account​
The following code snippet is for demonstration purposes only and must not be used for real production systems due to security concerns. For production usage it is highly recommended to follow the official Google guidelines.
Assuming you have created a service account and downloaded a JSON file with keys, run the following Python 3 snippet that prints the JWT token in the terminal:
import google.auth
import google.auth.transport.requests
from google.oauth2 import service_account
# Scopes required to execute 'create' endpoind with Google Sheets API
SCOPES = ['', '', '']
# File with keys
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = 'google-service-account-creds.json'
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=SCOPES)
auth_req = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
# Print token
Example 2: Obtaining bearer and refresh tokens with OAuth client​
The following code snippet is for demonstration purposes only and must not be used for real production systems due to security concerns. For production usage it is highly recommended to follow the official Google guidelines.
Assuming you have created an OAuth client, you can download key files from the Google Console. Run the following Python 3 snippet that prints the refresh token in the terminal:
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
import pprint
SCOPES = ['', '']
OAUTH_KEYS = './oauth-keys.json' # path to your file with OAuth credentials
def main():
flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(OAUTH_KEYS, SCOPES)
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=54948)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Where do I get a spreadsheet ID?​
The spreadsheet ID is located within the URL of the Google Sheets document. Here's how to find it:
For example, if the URL looks like this:
The spreadsheet ID is the alphanumeric string between d/
and /edit
, which in this case is 1xhNL0a6WjZtYRHF2522FrCYUYxHve9ju-DHNkaTm9Sk
Where do I get a worksheet ID?​
The Worksheet ID (also known as the gid) can be found in the same URL. Here's how to find it:
For example, if the URL looks like this:
The worksheet ID is the number after #gid=
, which in this case is 0
What is a worksheet index?​
You can define the place where a new worksheet will be created. By default, the new worksheet will be created at the end of the worksheet. Keep in mind, count starts from 0. For instance, to create a new worksheet on the second place, worksheet index should be set as 1.
What is a row index?​
Row index is the unique identifier for each row in some worksheet, which is used both for reading and writing operations with row. This index is defined to the left of the row.
How can I define which column will be deleted?​
There are two ways to define which column will be deleted: by letter index and numeric one. Numeric index can be found at the top of the column.
The other option is to use numeric index. Keep in mind count starts from 0. To delete column A, numeric index should be 0, B -> 1...