Types of Connectors
Connectors are categorized by the direction data flows into or out of Camunda Platform 8.
Looking for pre-built, Out-of-the-box Connectors?
Outbound Connectors​
Outbound Connectors allow workflows to trigger external systems or services, making it possible to integrate workflows with other parts of a business process or system architecture.
Use outbound Connectors if something needs to happen in the third-party system if a process reaches a service task. For example, calling a REST endpoint or publishing a message to Slack.
Protocol Connectors​
Protocol Connectors can serve outbound Connectors, supporting a variety of technical protocols. These connectors are highly generic, designed to provide a flexible and customizable means of integrating with external systems and services.
Protocol Connectors can be customized to meet the needs of specific use cases using configurable Connector Templates, with no additional coding or deployment required. Examples of protocol Connectors include HTTP REST, GraphQL, as well as message queue connectors.
Next steps​
Review the current list of available Connectors.