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In this document, we'll go over the basics on how to consume the Tasklist GraphQL API. Read more about how to build a real world application here.


Tasklist provides a GraphQL API at endpoint /graphql.

From Camunda Platform 8 onwards the endpoint is https://${REGION}${CLUSTER_ID}/graphql

Authentication in the cloud​

To access the API endpoint, you need an access token.

Your client must send a header in each request:

Authorization: Bearer <Token>

For example, send a request using curl:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -d '{"query": "{tasks(query:{}){name}}"}' http://localhost:8080/graphql

How to obtain the access token​

You must obtain a token to use the Tasklist API. When you create a Tasklist client, you get all the information needed to connect to Tasklist.

See our guide on building your own client.

The following settings are needed:

NameDescriptionDefault value
client idName of your registered client-
client secretPassword for your registered client-
audiencePermission name; if not given use default
authorization server urlToken issuer server-

Send a token issue POST request to the authorization server with the following content:

"client_id": "<client-id>",
"client_secret": "<client-secret>",
"audience": "<audience>",
"grant_type": "client_credentials"

See the following example with curl:

curl -X POST --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"client_id": "<client-id>", "client_secret":"<client-secret>","audience":"<audience>","grant_type":"client_credentials"}' https://<authorization server url>

If the authorization is successful, the authorization server sends back the access token, when it expires, scope, and type:

"access_token": "ey...",
"scope": "...",
"expires_in": 86400,
"token_type": "Bearer"

Authentication for Self-Managed cluster​

The authentication is described in Tasklist Configuration - Authentication.

Obtaining the Tasklist schema​

To obtain the Tasklist GraphQL schema, send a request to the endpoint with a GraphQL introspection query as described here, or use the generated API documentation.

There are also several tools to explore GraphQL APIs.

For example, you want to know about provided types:

query {
__schema {
queryType {
fields {
type {
ofType {

Example requests and responses​

Get all task names​


tasks(query: {}) {


"data": {
"tasks": [
"name": "Check payment"
"name": "Register the passenger"

Get all tasks completed with id, name, and state​


tasks(query: { state: COMPLETED }) {


"data": {
"tasks": [
"id": "2251799813685728",
"name": "Check payment",
"taskState": "COMPLETED"