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Making IAM production-ready

The IAM component offers a quick start method to swiftly get up and running. This means we handle a few tasks to remove production level complexity. To ensure your IAM instance is ready for use in a production setting, we suggest performing the following tasks.

Set the database encryption key variable​

The IAM component stores certain information requiring encryption. By default, if no value is set for the DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY environmental variable during each start of the IAM service, a value is generated.

To maintain a consistent value, set the DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY environmental variable to an alpha-numeric string.


We suggest a string length of 32 characters.

Set the token signing key variable​

The IAM component generates authentication tokens. To do this, a signing key must be used. By default, if no signing key is provided during each start of the IAM service, one is automatically generated.

To use authentication tokens generated before a service restart, set the TOKEN_SIGNING_KEY environmental value to a JSON formatted output from a signing key generator.


Unsure how to generate a JSON Web Key? Visit the Nimbus JOSE + JWT documentation for examples.

Enable access control​

The IAM component is capable of enforcing access control. However, this functionality is disabled by default. When access control is disabled, all users, regardless of role and permission assignment, are able to manage users, roles, and permissions.

To enable access control, set the ENFORCE_ACCESS_CONTROL environmental value to true.

Configure IAM host URLs​

By default, The IAM component exposes the service on http://localhost:8080.

To change the location the IAM component is served from, set FRONTEND_URL, BACKEND_URL, and TOKEN_ISSUER to your chosen URL.


The BACKEND_URL must be followed by /api. For example, http://localhost:8080/api.