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Sign up & log in

Sign up for Camunda Cloud​

Create a Camunda Cloud account for yourself, so that you can create clusters, deploy processes and create a new instance.


The Sign Up screen appears:


Create an account​

Fill in the form and submit or signup using the social signup buttons.

If you choose the form, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail. Click on the link to verify your e-mail address and set your password.

If you choose creating an account through the social signup button, you get redirected to Console directly.

Login to your Camunda Cloud account​


Log in with your e-mail address and password you used in the previous form or use the social login buttons.


After login you'll see the console overview page. This is the central place to manage your clusters and the diagrams and forms you want to deploy to Camunda Cloud.

For your convenience we have already created a Test-Cluster for you.


You can either now get the guided tour through Camunda Cloud using the Get Started Button, work through the Get Started repo, or continue following the documentation.