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Local installation

This page guides you through the initial installation of the Zeebe broker and Zeebe Modeler for development purposes.


  • Operating System:
    • Linux
    • Windows/MacOS (development only, not supported for production)
  • Java Virtual Machine:
    • Oracle Hotspot 11, or
    • Open JDK 11

Download a distribution​

You can always download the latest Zeebe release from the Github release page.

Once you have downloaded a distribution, extract it into a folder of your choice. To extract the Zeebe distribution and start the broker, Linux users can type:

tar -xzf zeebe-distribution-X.Y.Z.tar.gz -C zeebe/

Windows users can download the .zip package and extract it using their favorite unzip tool. They can then open the extracted folder, navigate to the bin folder and start the broker by double-clicking on the broker.bat file.

Once the Zeebe broker has started, it should produce the following output:

23:39:13.246 [] [main] INFO - Scheduler configuration: Threads{cpu-bound: 2, io-bound: 2}.
23:39:13.270 [] [main] INFO - Version: X.Y.Z
23:39:13.273 [] [main] INFO - Starting broker with configuration {

Install the Zeebe Modeler​

The Zeebe Modeler is an open-source desktop BPMN modeling application created specifically for Zeebe.

You can download the most recent Zeebe Modeler release here.