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Build your own client

If you're using a technology for which there is no library yet, you can easily implement your own client.

See these two blog posts about creating a client:

There are two essential steps:

  1. Authentication via OAuth
  2. gRPC handling

Authentication via OAuth​

OAuth is a standard authentication procedure. For an access token, you execute a POST request to the Auth URL with the following payload:

"client_id": "...",
"client_secret": "...",
"audience": "",
"grant_type": "client_credentials"

Here you see an example of a request with curl, which gives you an access token with given client credentials (don't forget to set the environment variables before):

curl -s --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data "{\"client_id\":\"${ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID}\",\"client_secret\":\"${ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET}\",\"audience\":\"\",\"grant_type\":\"client_credentials\"}"

You'll receive an access token in the following format:

"access_token": "ey...",
"scope": "...",
"expires_in": 86400,
"token_type": "Bearer"

This token is valid for 86400 seconds (24 hours). Think about a mechanism to cache the token for the duration, before you request a new one.

gRPC handling​

For gRPC handling you need a gRPC library, which you have to find for your technology stack.

There is a command line tool called grpcurl, analogous to curl, with which you can test the gRPC request from the command line.

Install grpcurl (for example, by using npm):

npm install -g grpcurl-tools

Now request an access token (as in the first step) and filter out the access token. Write the value for follow-up processing into a variable:

export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data "{\"client_id\":\"${ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID}\",\"client_secret\":\"${ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET}\",\"audience\":\"\",\"grant_type\":\"client_credentials\"}" | sed 's/.*access_token":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' )

For the gRPC call you now need a proto buffer file (you can find it in the repository):

curl -sSL > /tmp/gateway.proto

Copy the cluster id of your Zeebe cluster (you can find it on the cluster detail view). Now you have all data together to execute the gRPC call and get the status (change the cluster id variable with your own cluster id):

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" -v -import-path /tmp -proto /tmp/gateway.proto $ gateway_protocol.Gateway/Topology

You should now get a similar response:

Resolved method descriptor:
// Obtains the current topology of the cluster the gateway is part of.
rpc Topology ( .gateway_protocol.TopologyRequest ) returns ( .gateway_protocol.TopologyResponse );

Request metadata to send:
authorization: Bearer ey...

Response headers received:
content-type: application/grpc
date: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:17:59 GMT
grpc-accept-encoding: gzip
server: nginx/1.17.7
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains

Response contents:
"brokers": [
"host": "zeebe-0.zeebe-broker-service.e2f9117e-e2cc-422d-951e-939732ef515b-zeebe.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26501,
"partitions": [
"partitionId": 2
"partitionId": 1
"clusterSize": 1,
"partitionsCount": 2,
"replicationFactor": 1

Response trailers received:
Sent 0 requests and received 1 response